Sunday, September 14, 2008

I've died and gone to heaven...

...Tina Fey impersonates Sarah Palin on last night's season premiere of Saturday Night Live. Smart, funny and oh-so-satisfying! Since I can't figure out how to upload the video, and the only person in this house who knows how is fast asleep, here's a link instead:

Update: NBC keeps killing the videos as fast as people can upload them on YouTube. I can't be bothered to try and keep up, but you can go to and search for the newest copyright-infringing upload!

Final Update: The NBC-sanctioned clip from the official SNL site! Huzzah! And now there are rumors that Sarah Palin herself is considering an appearance on the show. THAT should be interesting!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Tina Fey is brilliant! Bet McCain's wishing he had HER on the ticket!