Thursday, September 25, 2008

Babies, Shows and Weddings, Oh My!

My life in a nutshell. I'm entering a couple of shows sponsored by the Ohio Art League, which I had the foresight to join a few months ago. It's really opening up opportunities to get my work out there, to gain exposure. I'm just not a networker bee and I know I have to get better at it if I want my photography to be noticed. Apparently it's not enough if my fan base consists of my husband and my mother. (Hi Mom!)

The baby work continues to roll in. I'm a regular sitter for two wonderful families alongside the nanny work I do for my German Village babies. The other day, I had both one-month old babies for a couple of hours. While baby Leila mostly slept, baby Ellen had horrible gas pain and cried off and on for the duration. I held her, pacing the house while trying to do Healing Touch on her belly. I swear it worked because soon enough, she was snoring softly in my arms and her abdomen had deflated from brick back to soft baby belly status. My sister-in-law Susie introduced us to Healing Touch and I'm thinking about taking a class next month, because that is some powerful stuff.

And then there's one more wedding on the horizon! I haven't had much time to get nervous about it, but I know that's coming...So far, I've gotten some killer images from the weddings I've shot and I learn something new every time. (Batteries. Always always ALWAYS have spare batteries!)

Michelle had lots of great ideas for poses!

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