Monday, March 17, 2008

On Percolating and Micromoving

So, this is my first blog entry. Hmmm. Now I feel pressure to make it especially darling and clever, but I'll resist and just stick to the facts, ma'am.

I'm creating this blog to document my creative journey, to remind myself of things I need to do, like breathing and making that phone call and writing about the way the rain smells when it falls on the pavement in the summertime.

I like SARK's theory of Micromovements: little teeny-weeny babysteps one takes in order to realize a creative dream. I've been micromoving ever since I decided I wanted to be a photographer, but I kept thinking I wasn't going fast enough, wasn't getting enough results. I've been so frustrated at times, forgetting about the plateau thing. You know, you're progressing and it's an exhilarating upward journey and suddenly, nothing seems to be happening at all. You've reached a plateau. It's important to recognize it and to understand it's importance. My friend Saira calls it 'percolating' - how the hell do you know what you're supposed to be doing if you don't stop to let it sink in a little, right?

Anyways, here I was instinctively micromoving and percolating from the get-go. As it turns out, taking a walk is working towards the dream, and so is going to the conservatory to photograph orchids, or staring at the wall thinking about business cards, or whining to my journal about how unfair it all is. Your mom and dad don't think this is going to help sell your art, but we have to trust the process.

1 comment:

CrypticFragments said...

Hey! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I look forward to following your creative journey, also. I just started a new series of affirmations today to guide me in my life and art!
Best wishes! Visit my blogs any time, too... I love getting feedback.