Friday, March 21, 2008

Give it away, give it away, give it away NOW!

I was standing in my kitchen on Thursday morning, waiting for my coffee to drip drip drip and my toast to pop. I opened up SARK's 'Inspiration Sandwich' and read: 'Give away money. Do it NOW. The money will follow.' I immediately shut the book and started rifling through the recycling. Isn't there a letter from the NRDC in here, asking for a donation? Ah, here it is! Open my checkbook, write a check for $20, find a stamp and seal the envelope tight before I have a chance to think about it. Done. I'm not a spontaneous person, but I'm learning that spontaneous means: 'Don't overthink.' I mailed it on the way to work and forgot about it.

The next day, I arrived at work to find that one of our families had decided to give me a $25 gift card 'for being such a good caregiver to their little girl'. I thought about that check and realized: I gave it away and it came back - with interest!


CrypticFragments said...

I tend to give away loose change... I leave it at bus stops or "accidentally" drop it on the floor at shops and restaurants to keep the energy of money moving (same theory as giving and it will come back)

Tanya said...

what a cool idea - and so easy!