Sunday, December 14, 2008

I remember to just go out and play.

When you try to sell your art, you sometimes lose sight of what attracted you to it in the first place. I find I've lost sight of the fun - I only pick up my camera if I'm either paid and/or requested to do so. It's for a specific purpose, and to please someone else. I mean, I enjoy the results of those endeavors, but when's the last time I made something just for myself? I decided to dust off my Lensbaby and head out to Blacklick Metro Park with Craig. While he did the rounds on his recumbent bike, I just played, my trusty Magic 8-ball providing additional muse and entertainment.


Brandi Reynolds said...

a lens baby is on my list of next purchases. :-)

so glad I found your blog!!!

and I'm a cheap red wine aficionado. ;-)

Vivienne said...

oooh...these lensbaby shots have me swooning! so beautiful!