Sunday, May 4, 2008

My First Gallery Hop!

Saturday night was my first time exhibiting at the Short North Gallery Hop. My friend MaryEllen, who owns a downtown business called Counter Culture, invited me to show my photography for the May Hop. I had no idea what to expect. Would people show up? Would I make any sales? What about networking opportunities? What should I display? Is it going to rain like this all day? I decided on about 10 framed images, a couple of bins with some older matted works and a small display about my event photography.

Photo courtesy of Scott Alan Greif

Well, the rain stopped, the people came out and I didn't sell much, but what a rush nonetheless! Some friends showed up, I talked to visitors about my art, talked shop with some fellow camera fiends and had the best damn hot chocolate ever. What's more, MaryEllen and her business partner Rob enjoyed the whole evening so much, they've decided to stay open for Gallery Hop throughout the summer - with me as their artist-in-residence-type person! Yeah!